General Info
I Am Here For: |
N/A |
Marital Status: |
N/A |
Children: |
N/A |
Education: |
N/A |
Religion: |
N/A |
Smoke: |
N/A |
Drink: |
N/A |
Occupation: |
N/A |
Body Type: |
N/A |
Height: |
N/A |
Ethnicity: |
N/A |
Languages: |
N/A |
 Sexy Stuff
I Am Looking For: |
N/A |
Sexual Fantasies: |
N/A |
Sex is Best: |
N/A |
Cybersex: |
N/A |
I Want You To: |
N/A |
Cybersex Personality: |
N/A |
 My Web Gifts
 Vamp_Masquerade's Scoop
About me:
With this profile we are hoping to encourage, support, bring together and educate those in RLC who wish to role-play specifically the pureblood clans of Vampire:The Masquerade.
We would also like to use the blog in this profile as a registry for all PURE blood Kindred Clans of V:tM who reside and role play in RLC. Please feel free to list your coven or clan and your status as a rp or non-rp (regarding rlc kill scripts) family.
Who I'd like to meet:
This is not an attempt at any kind of role-play council or any other attempt to interfere with how you use Utherverse. It's simply a place where V:tM roleplayers can see and be seen by others with the same interests.
Assamite, Brujah, Followers of Set, Ravnos, Ventrue, Giovanni, Lasombra, Tremere, Nosferatu, Baali,... I know I forgot some... I will get to the presently...
 More About Vamp_Masquerade
My Other Profile/Website Links:
This profile is administered by HWJ, Clan Assamite. If you have any questions or concerns please email us.
As I find them I will list informative links about White Wolf's V:tM and it's bloodlines for you to research your particular clan. We hope this encourages more true-to-game roleplay inside the RLC environment.
My Favorite Websites:
http://fubar.com/vampires/b74479 http://www.arthistoryclub.com/art_history/Vampire:_The_Masquerade
Lost Boys