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About me:!Layout made by Heart Broken 4 All .linkback_topleft { position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; } /*BEGIN_ABOUT_CONTENT
END_ABOUT_CONTENT*/ Libitinarius Disciplines: Auspex This potent Discipline grants a character superlative sensory capabilities. At the lowest levels, it sharpens a Kindred’s mundane senses. As one progresses in mastery, entirely new avenues of insight open up before the user. Ultimately, this is the Discipline of gleaning information, whether that data comes from sights and smells, from auras and patterns of energy or directly from the mind of another creature. In addition, Auspex can be used to pierce the veil of powers that cloud, dissemble and deceive (see the “Clash of Wills” sidebar). Indeed, precious little can be kept secret from a true master of Auspex. Once in a while, this uncanny Discipline provides extrasensory and even precognitive visitations. Such premonitions might come as quick fl ashes of imagery, overwhelming feelings of empathy or even as an ominous sense of foreboding. The Kindred has absolutely no control over these insights, but he can learn to interpret their signifi cance given time and experience. Such potent sensitivity can have its drawbacks, however. When a vampire actively uses any power of Auspex save the fifth (Twilight Projection), he runs the risk of his delicate senses being overwhelmed by excessive stimuli. Sudden or severe occurrences such as a gun report or fl ash bulb in the eyes can distract the character unless the player succeeds on a Resolve draw. Failure disorients the character, making him effectively unaware of his surroundings until the end of the following turn. Dominate Dominate is to exert the supreme determining or guiding influence on something. This Discipline is used to coerce mortals and Kindred into performing acts that the wielder desires. Upon mortals, this power is quite effective as the victim has no Blood Potency (or other Power Stat) to resist the commands. Vampires may find that this power has varying levels of effectiveness on other supernaturals, particularly those in a frenzied state. Dominate, while it can be used to make victims perform actions, cannot force a person to place themselves directly in harm's way. However, maneuvering one into a precarious position is not out of the question. Old world Dominate : This power allows you to bend any mortals desires to your own. This can even be used on vampires who wills are less than your own. I do mean bend cause where you maybe able to make that mortal run at a group of people swing an ax at them but I doubt you will ever be able to make him use that same ax to end his own life. Command : by ordering someone around like a dog you can make them sit, stay, speak, and fallow. You depending on the word is depending on the action if used correctly this power can be very devastating Mesmerism : like hypnotizing a person you can make almost anything do what you want with a simple sentence. Depending on the sentence you can even make this happen at a latter time if you wish. Once triggered, the command from Mesmerism has a duration of no longer than a single scene. A victim may only have one Mesmerism implanted per mesmerist at any given time. Forgetful Mind : With this level of the power you may even be able to influence the persons memories locking away the real ones and creating your own in there place. You may even leave a nothingness or a black period of time. With a great amount of time and use of this power you can even make someone an utter nothingness Conditioning : with the use of this power you can strip away anyone making them yours it kinda like owning a slave who only does what you say. you speak they do with out a choice. The victim of this power does not shake off the Conditioning as described in Laws of the Night. The victim must instead go six consecutive months (minus one month per Willpower Trait spent toward resisting the bond) without being around their regnant. The minimum period that the victim must go without being around her regnant in order to successfully shake off the Conditioning is one month. Morality Tests may apply for using this power. Possession : no mortal mind can resist you with but a simple touch you can move your own consciousness taking over the body. Partially Awakened mortals, such as ghouls or mortals with Numina, may be targets of Possession. While possessing such mortals, the vampire may only access powers inherent to the physical form, such as Celerity, Fortitude and Potence, but not other supernatural powers possessed by the mortal in question. The vampire uses the blood pool and maximum expenditures per turn of her host. If a character assumes another shape before possessing, the special powers granted do not transfer with her into the possessed body. Resilience This Discipline allows a Vampire to shrug off more damage to his body than the average person. Additionally, it reduces the damage taken by sunlight or fire to something the Kindred can manage. During combat, it takes your entire turn to activate this Discipline as you will your body to become something that can recover from misfortune. Mortualia Is considered by many to be one of the oldest and most unusual disciplines that Kindred may practice; though it is, in modern nights, practiced only by the Mekhet Libitinarius bloodline, its funerary principles are believed to be something that all vampires may be capable of learning. For this reason, Mortualia is one of only three bloodline disciplines that may be taken by non-members of its respective bloodline.

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