This was all about Him from day one to right this second and always will be. I hope He comes back here occasionally to read our conversations and remember ‘when we were young’. From day one to right this second, I very much doubt that anything means more to him than ‘when we were young’.
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Because you're ... Hot Comments @
The wolf and his crow forever at your window xxx
You Are Special Pictures - Quotes - Photobucket
Ok, I give the hell does one delete a stupid comment that he just posted?...LOL
Haha hello there :-) How are you young lady?? More to the point...where are you?? :-( xx
Now then fathead hope you're well. So you ever get on second life? xx
Yep it was to do with my new lass :o) She asked me to move in with her and it would of been rude of me not too hehe ;-p I now live in the neighbouring county of erm..ahem *cough cough* Nottingham.Yes,yes you read that right now get up off the floor. Now I'm sure you'll be not talking to me even more..although I can redeem myself a little by telling you I always wear my Derby top with pride??!! Soo glad you got the "bet" joke there too.It was a joke...honest. I'm pretty sure he's one lucky man. Anything else you would like to know?? :D x
I wasnt getting any when my tongue being stuck out,was just me being slightly cheeky/drunk/general twat and getting ready to go and get pissed night before brothers wedding in June. Ive hidden all the pritstik asnd think im going to make my next hair piece set with a velcro backing,gives me more options on what style to wear at a much shorter notice so all donataions will e kindly accepted. You might have to wait awhile for wedding invite but I will definitly make sure it is for 2..I need to shake said mans hand and congratulate him and then give him his winnings ;o) Oh you might not wanna talk to me after this but...I no longer live in Derby. x
Oh and as for my pic you just commented on...That was in the hotel we stayed in in Brighton on my brothers stag weekend..hence the lack of women in there!! xx