I am a simple man with complex tastes. Or is that a complex man with simple tastes? I never remember...
I have one simple rule: RL comes first. RLC comes a distant... 56th or thereabouts and ne'er the twain shall meet. This does mean I won't skype or ask to. I won't MSN, yahoo or hangout or ask for that either...
I am bisexual; so I like cock as much as I like pussy. I bottom with men and top with women.
RLC Relationships come and go. And this means that I do not believe in RLC relationships. It does not mean that I disrespect them or you for being in one! If you believe in your relationship, good for you!
My RL Relationship status is swinger, but, really, it's none of anyone's business what I am or do in RL. I have children. I am in an open marriage. This means I often simply disappear out of RLC. Draw your own conclusions, and if you don't like what you imagine or experience, Walk Away... Que Será, Será.
My Philosophy:
In all truth there is a falsehood. In all falsehood, there is truth.
Never want or need someone or something so badly, that when you are denied, you are affected in any way.
Never allow the way someone else views you to change the way you view yourself. They may change the way they think on a whim, and you will never know their inner thoughts in any case.
Never change any part of who you are for anyone. Ever. (Unless you're an addict, or going to die, or going to jail because of who you are. Then, by all means, change. For Yourself.)
Lastly, never ever compromise your own philosophy for anyone else's, even if you think theirs is cool ... Especially, if you think theirs is cool.
If you're still reading: Why? Talk to me! :) If you're really that interested, I'm a better conversationalist than auto-biographer. ;)
I think I'm a nice guy, but having been around RLC for a while, I've seen most of the crazy shit here, and I have been immunised. Which means my BSTL is really, really low.