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caity_001's Profile
I want never gets
37 years old 
City N/A, State N/A 
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caity_001 Has returned after 5 Years away
Latest Blog Entries: 
wild thing lyrics
wild thing
Last Profile Login: 6/8/2018
Last World Login: 6/8/2018
Member Since: 7/29/2008
General Info
I Am Here For: For a New Experience, To Explore My Sexuality
Marital Status: Single
Children: N/A
Education: Post Grad
Religion: N/A
Smoke: No
Drink: Yes
Occupation: green
Body Type: Athletic
Height: 5' 6"
Ethnicity: N/A
Languages: English
Sexy Stuff
I Am Looking For: Cyber Sex, Erotic Chat
Sexual Fantasies: Bondage
Sex is Best: Experimental, Wild, Kinky
Cybersex: N/A
I Want You To: N/A
Cybersex Personality: Submissive, Innocent, Adventurous, Passive,
My Web Gifts

A gift from uname

Sent 12/12/2012
caity_001's Scoop
About me:
complex, emotional, loyal, mischevious and passionate what 5 words describe you? I think it is about time I tried to explain how i feel as a somone who has submissive feelings if only to help people that dont know me. I see a lot of doms and dommes have a heading of rules for which a submissive must sign up to and obey and whilst that is good for some and probably important in a family situation I honestly view that the relationship between a sub and dom or dommme should be individually agreed and negotiated. There is no one size fits all approach. After all we are all different and unique individuals; with different needs and fantasies and desires. The idea that we all adhere and conform to a generic set of rules is something that I find difficult to follow. I also break most rules anyway so its far better for me that I set them in neogiation. Furthermore i am not looking for someone to dominate me; rather i am looknig to see if I can feel suffiently drawn to osmeone persona to give myself enturly to them. I do not know if they have to have a domme label but my fantasy is to be under osmeones elses control. In my view the bdsm rooms and bedrooms in rlc suck. i prefer to be mentaly challenged by a person in rl or rlc rather than watch my avateur being tied up and whipped or fucked. Of course to get that intense that takes time and a huge level of mututal understanding and involves lots of words and mental stimulation along with a spark and connection. So if you havent got the command of the english language or the ability to describe what you feel then dont bother with me. I also am passionate, emotive and bolshy with attitude and people have said "you dont act like a sub". Well heres the key point for me. I am not a submissive to the 99% of people that see me. I am just a giggly girly and or even a brat (only to special friends who are very very important to me) I will resepct people tho and never set out to disrespect anyone even greenies. But i am looking to find myself agian thru the right person(s) I feel I would totally submit myself to and I know deep down how far i would go. However to most people i will not; so no orders and remember my name is caity not sweetiesd, darling or babe unelss you really do know me intimately. In order for me to do that i have to be captured heart, mind, body and soul. Some people in rlc have achived many different parts of that but as yet no one has fully captured me or pehraps more truthfully I have never let myself be fully captured. There is a reason for that and that is why i have a close circle of friends who will and do protect me. So anyone wanting a quick bdsm role play or game or fuck or whipping should try elsehwere. So please do not expect me to just obey any so called dom or domme because of your name. I also think that some people feel subs are weak. Well I know it takes a lot of inner strength to totally want to give yourself to another so completely so next time you see me in rlc please remember that especially those that expect to just order me around from first meeting. I have undegone some changes recently that took me to the edge of my own being; this has made me suspicious and deeply resentful of most men and quite al ot of women. Part of my solution was to question whether i should be in rlc but part of me wants to control and manage my fear so yes i can allow myself to stay. I am however keen to put forward my views. it is my view only and i do not force anyone else to follow it. So the rules above are mine and for me. So let me say again i dont play or have sex for fun and i dont judge anyone else who does. we are all different and I hope one day that i can fully let go to soomeone but if anyone wants to be involved with me you will need patience, understanding, support, advice, love and that certain something i cant tell you what it is cos it doesnt have a name; its metaphysical and bleeive me it doesnt invovle whips, clamps or dungeons except the mental ones. so forget my avi and talk with me especially if you are a girlie or a brat cos these days we grow up too quickly and we lose the fun sometimes. ..................... I like girls................ I am a free spirit I am a little girl
Who I'd like to meet:
The girl who plays the fiddle in this beautiful song Everybody is a person and behind those avatars are real people so I am happy to talk. If you could follow these guidelines Please do not ask for friendship withuot contacting me in local chat Please do respect all in RLC and use general chat not PM as it is rude Please do not think I am going to have sex with you cos if you do you will be surely disappointed. If you are a man i am not interested in sexual relationships with you but i am happy to chat.
More About caity_001
My Other Profile/Website Links:

Charming Amorous Individual Tirelessly Luxuriating in Intense, Naughty Stimulation and Unrestrained Backrubs

Get Your Sexy Name

I will be that left winger!
My Favorite Websites:
I love 80s/90s muci music
Pans labyrinth


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Saturday, February 14, 2015 02:06 AM PSTReport Links

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Tuesday, December 24, 2013 02:39 PM PSTReport Links

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Monday, May 7, 2012 10:19 AM PSTReport Links


Tuesday, February 14, 2012 09:54 AM PSTReport Links


Wednesday, April 27, 2011 09:41 AM PSTReport Links

Graphic Tags

Thursday, February 25, 2010 12:18 PM PSTReport Links

hang in there we care about you
Encouragement comments and graphics Love Tiff :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010 07:22 AM PSTReport Links

good luck
Good Luck comments and graphics Hope the intervew goes well :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010 12:20 PM PSTReport Links


Sunday, February 14, 2010 07:41 AM PSTReport Links

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Sunday, February 14, 2010 06:32 AM PSTReport Links

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