G'day, I'm Ray,
I'm a middle aged woman that lives with a man I adore. I have 3 grown children and 3 (and a bit lol) grandchildren. Bother, Sister, uncountable cousins etc.
I was born in East Germany and live in a beautiful part of Australia. That, like most things about my life has had a lot of luck involved, and I'm blessed :).
I have wide ranging interests, internet addiction becoming one ;)~
I have a special interest in ancient Egypt.
In RLC, I am am middle aged woman**, married to two women I adore.
I have one daughter, a couple of sisters, and once had a niece.(RIP *sob)
I was born in Welcome centre, and now live in almost every part of the world, in the most beautiful places.
I move between them with ease, whenever I feel like it.
That, like most things about my life has had a lot of luck involved, and I'm blessed :)
I have wide ranging interests, (and lol you guessed it.....)
I have a special interest in ancient Egypt.
Many friends in here are fabulous people, that have been incredibly generous with their assistance, in whatever it was I was doing at the time.
Foremost amongst them, is my original wife meow!!
She is the centre of my RLC universe!!
Our stars, along their orbits, have with the passage of time, now come into sync with another celestial body - V. We married on 30th June 2012 :)
As we three spin through this cosmos together. We love each other, support each other, do some useful stuff, do lots of useless stuff lol, have some fun, and sometimes even work pretty hard.
That's me on the left with Meow and V
We three own a business that sells VIP's for rays. It's called Rays_Rays :).
Please click on the sign below to go to that profile.
More to come when I lol get around to putting it here......
** if you tell me that coming on 4 is actually old here - I'll hit you with my virtual zimmer ! lmao