General Info
I Am Here For: |
For a New Experience, To Meet People |
Marital Status: |
Single |
Children: |
Eventually |
Education: |
In College |
Religion: |
Christian |
Smoke: |
Yes |
Drink: |
Yes |
Occupation: |
N/A |
Body Type: |
Slim / Slender |
Height: |
1' 71" |
Ethnicity: |
N/A |
Languages: |
N/A |
 Sexy Stuff
I Am Looking For: |
Virtual Relationship, Cyber Sex, Erotic Chat, Cyber Friendships |
Sexual Fantasies: |
A Beach, Massage Oil |
Sex is Best: |
Passionate, Loving, Experimental |
Cybersex: |
Yes |
I Want You To: |
Tell Me You Love Me, Tell Me I'm The Best, Tell Me Your Fantasy |
Cybersex Personality: |
Amateur, Loving, Passionate |
 My Web Gifts
 SzukamCieOn82's Scoop
About me:
PL:Kim jestem ... hmm trudne pytanie. Uwazam sie za spokojnego czlowieka otwartego na ludzi. Lubiacy czasem poszalec ale tylko w malych ilosciach gdyz z charakteru jestem romantykiem lubiacym nocne spacery i dobra muzyke. Aby dowiedziec sie cos o mnie trzeba mnie na poczatku poznac.... Pisze wiersze i czasem zapominam o bozym swiecie... Wiecej informacji. Zapytaj
EN:Who am I ... hmm tough question. I think the quiet man is open to the people. Fond dissipate over time but only in small quantities because of the nature I am a romantic who likes a good night walks and music. To find out something about me you need me to know at the beginning .... I write poems and sometimes forget about God's world ... Learn more. Ask
Who I'd like to meet:
 More About SzukamCieOn82
My Other Profile/Website Links:
PL:Czym sie interesuje : Czlowiek to natura chcaca wiedziec o wszystkim. No wiadomo oprócz poznawania nowych ludzi uwielbiam flirt ale mój angielski daje wiele do zyczenia :) zeby rozmawiac w tym jezyku. Lubie dobra kuchnie polska jak i ciekawa ksiazke :) O wszystkim nie opowiem bo za duzo informacji a mezczyzna powinien miec w sobie iskre zaciekawienia wlasna osoba
EN:What you're interested: The man who wants to know the nature of things. No known apart from learning about new people I love to flirt but my English a lot to be desired:) to talk in that language. I like good Polish cuisine as well as an interesting book:) about everything he does not tell too much information, and a man should have the spark in his curious person
My Favorite Websites:
PL:Muzyka hmm ... To cos co budzi mnie do dzialania ale jest zalezne od tego jakie mam samopoczucie. Gdy jestem zly lubie posluchac ostrego rocka a gdy szczesliwy to wszystko co wpada w ucho daje mi radosc nie mam wzgledem muzyki zadnych wymagan gdyz bylem chyba juz w kazdej subkulturze.
EN:Music hmm ... This is what inspires me to work but is dependent on what I have being. When I am wrong I like to listen to rock and when acute happy everything flows to the ear gives me joy I do not have any requirements relative to music since I was probably already in every culture.