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drbubo_B_LoL's Profile
Close your eyes, give me your hand...
44 years old 
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drbubo_B_LoL I watch you when you are sleeping, you belong with me. Do you feel the same, am I only dreaming
Last Profile Login: 8/9/2015
Last World Login: 11/28/2013
Member Since: 6/8/2008
General Info
I Am Here For: For a New Experience, To Meet People
Marital Status: Happily Married
Children: N/A
Education: N/A
Religion: N/A
Smoke: N/A
Drink: N/A
Occupation: N/A
Body Type: N/A
Height: N/A
Ethnicity: N/A
Languages: French, English
Sexy Stuff
I Am Looking For: Cyber Sex, Social Encounters, Erotic Chat, Cyber Friendships
Sexual Fantasies: N/A
Sex is Best: N/A
Cybersex: N/A
I Want You To: N/A
Cybersex Personality: N/A
My Web Gifts

A gift from uname

Sent 12/12/2012
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drbubo_B_LoL's Scoop
About me:
pYzam Page Pets
pYzam Page Pets

Close your eyes, give me your hand, darlin'
Do you feel my heart beating, do you understand
Do you feel the same, am I only dreaming
Or is this burning an eternal flame

Do you feel the same?

Who I'd like to meet:
You, if you want to be my Sentimental Gentleman... or Gentlelady :-)

Hello, is it me you're looking for?

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More About drbubo_B_LoL
My Other Profile/Website Links:

Could I Have This Kiss Forever with YOU beyond imagination

Over and over I look in your eyes
You are all I desire
You have captured me
I want to hold you I want to be close to you
I never want to let go
I wish that this night would never end
I need to know
Could I hold you for a lifetime
Could I look into your eyes
Could I have this night to share this night together
full lyrics

Learning to give you breathtaking pleasure

french handjob good oral sex brought to you by PornHub

Learn to give me breathtaking pleasure

Fisted Until She Squirts

Love me tender

My Favorite Websites:

Go on, go on, come on leave me breathless
Tempt me, tease me until I can't deny this
loving feeling, make me long for your kiss
Go on, go on
Yeah, come on...

I am a woman in love
And Im talking to you
Do you know how it feels?

Could I have this kiss forever

You deserve more than just a kiss.
I offer you my kiss forever. Is there any more you can imagine? :)

Je t'aime moi non plus

Avec ma gueule de météque
De juif errant, de pâtre grec
Et mes cheveux aux quatre vents
Je viendrai ma douce captive
Mon âme soeur, ma source vive
Je viendrai boire tes vingt ans
Et je serai prince de sang
Réveur ou bien adolescent
Comme il te plaira de choisir
Et nous ferons de chaque jour
Toute une éternité d'amour
Que nous vivrons à en mourir
Et nous ferons de chaque jour
Toute une éternité d'amour
Que nous vivrons à en mourir

I enjoy this guy whose mouth experienced so many drinks, kisses and bites without ever apeasing his hunger...
Avec ma bouche qui a bu, qui a embrassé et mordu Sans jamais assouvir sa faim

And when the rain begins to fall
you'll ride my rainbow in the sky
And I will catch you if you fall
you'll never have to ask me why.


Nine 1/2 weeks (Can I leave my hat on?)

The Master and Margarita



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Profile Comments
Monday, November 25, 2013 11:02 AM PSTReport Links


Wednesday, January 9, 2013 10:29 AM PSTReport Links

*************** W E L C O M E ******************** Image du Blog
Source : sur centerblog. ALL2U

Sunday, April 24, 2011 07:24 AM PSTReport Links

Cute Graphics

Friday, March 4, 2011 08:28 PM PSTReport Links

Bon weekend !

Sunday, February 13, 2011 08:48 PM PSTReport Links

Bonne Saint-Valentin, Belle Amie !

Tuesday, January 4, 2011 03:51 AM PSTReport Links

hi drbubo


Monday, January 3, 2011 05:05 PM PSTReport Links

Thanks 4 The Friendship & Have A Awesome New Year My Sexy Friend

Sunday, January 2, 2011 08:52 PM PSTReport Links

Je te souhaite une nuit mémorable !

Friday, December 31, 2010 02:02 PM PSTReport Links

Friday, December 24, 2010 05:09 PM PSTReport Links

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