Now that you’ve created your own Virtual World, you need
to put all the building blocks together to make it a success. This is what this
Tutorial Guide will show you how to do.
Part 1:
Setting Your Brand
Every successful business venture begins in one place, your Brand.
On your profile, under the ‘Manage World’ section, there is a tab labeled ‘Branding’.
Click this tab, and you will see all of the options available to brand your very
own Virtual World client, from the name of your Download, to the Desktop icon and
the images displayed when loading different parts of the World.
The most important part of your Branding process is the ‘Desktop Name’. You will
need to set a name for your World, or people will not
be able to download and enter your World. Once you set your Desktop Name, the download
link for your World will be displayed below.
This link is the most valuable piece of your VWW, as it will be your main promotional
tool, and the link you will use to make your world the most powerful in the VWW!
You can upload a regular image to any of the available slots, and it will display
in the corresponding area of your Virtual World client. (Please consult the screen
shots to see how each of these images will be displayed within your World).
Being an Affiliate
You will be paid for every new member you sign up through
your network. But ONLY if you are a member of the Affiliate
Please visit the ‘Affiliates’ link in the upper right hand corner of your profile
page for more information, or you can go to Utherverse.com/Webmasters
Sign up, and start earning real revenue for people you sign up!
Adding Property
After you have branded your World, set the Name, and received the download link,
you will need to start adding the building blocks to your World.
Under the ‘Add Property’ link, you will find dozens of properties available, some
free, some with a set license amount every 30 days.
Properties have the following sizes:
- Basic (free)
- Small
- Medium
- Large
Each property comes predesigned or vacant. If you choose a vacant property you will
be able to design the look and feel of the property yourself through Prop Editing.
Prop Editing is explained in more detail in the Tutorials link at the bottom of
this page.
You can purchase as many properties as you like, but only 2 Basic properties are
provided at no cost.
Doors in your Transport Center
So you have your World registered, you have it Branded, and you have Added the Property
you want to have in your World.
Now, you have to link all these pieces together and make your Virtual World come
to life!
From your Profile page, click on ‘Manage Property’.
Here you will see the ‘Transport Center’ you chose upon registration. These Transport
Centers come with either 3, 5, 7, or 9 Exit Doors, also known as ‘Transport Pods’.
You will own the ‘Pods’ on the right hand side of your Transport Center, and the
Pods on the left hand side will be to Utherverse-sponsored.
The ‘Primary Exit’ will be the main exit point of your Transport Center, which will
be located directly in front of a user if they enter into your Transport Center.
In the drop down menu underneath ‘Links To’, you will see all of the Properties
you have added from the catalog.
For each of the Pods available, select a Property from the drop-down list to link
Below your Pod choices, there is a section for Branding your Transport Center. In
this section, you can upload images, in the same way as the branding of your Virtual
World client was accomplished.
There are suggested size limits next to each of the branding options, but you don’t
have to be a whiz in Photoshop to have your own Virtual World anymore! Any image
uploaded will be sized to fit the available space in your Transport Center.
Remember to ‘Save Branding’ at the bottom of this page, or else your changes will
not be applied.
You may want to simply save one or two images right away in these spaces, so that
you can login to your World and see just how they are being laid out. They of course
can be changed at any time, so never feel locked into your settings, as they can
evolve alongside your World.
How to get your Regions set-up in the VWW:
Connecting Your Regions In-World |
To create a link between your properties, you will need to place doors within those properties that can be used as ‘jump points’ to move around your VWW.
1) Creating a Door with the Prop Editor :
Prop Editing is the term for moving the in-world objects around and/or adding functions to them.
You will need to Open the Prop Editor to begin placing your doors. To do this, select “Prop-Editor” from the Upper Right dropdown menu (circled in purple). [This scr shot needs to stay obviously]
Click on the 'Add' prop icon to Add a new prop. A menu will pop up that lists all the props available.
Type “door” in next to ‘Keyword:” and click ‘find’. Select the first ‘door’ on the list and then click ‘create’. A Red door will appear. Many doors can be used but for this initial setup, it is best to keep it simple.
You have now created the door.
As it is created hovering in mid-air, you likely will want to place this door in a different place or position that it initially appears.
2. Moving a Door
Right click on the door and select “Place”. The door will move with your mouse and can be adjusted as follows:
Move Prop Horizontally - Prop will move with mouse
Rotate Prop Horizontally - Mouse ScrollWheel Up/Down
Move Prop Up/Down - CTRL + ScrollWheel
Enlarge/Shrink Prop - CTRL + Shift + ScrollWheel
Left Click on mouse when done.
Now, you will need to set this door up to lead to one of your chosen properties. This can be done through use of the ‘Move to VWW Url’ Script.
3. Setting your Move to VWW Url Script
Every piece of property, or ‘Region’, you own will have its own Url address within the VWW. The Url for any given property you own will appear in the address bar, shown here (add scr shot for addy bar, with a circle around the actual Url listed for guidance)
You can also find the Url’s for any of your properties under the ‘Manage Property’ section of your Business profile.
Now that you have set up a door in the proper location using the steps listed above, you will now need to attach that ‘Move to VWW Url’ Script, to make that door exit to one of your other properties.
After you have finished placing the door, click on the ‘Script’ tab along the top of the Prop Editor window.
From the drop down menu there, choose ‘Move to VWW Url’. You will then see a box where you can enter the Url of the area you want that door to go to. Paste or type the VWW Url of the chosen property into this box.
Hit the ‘Save and Release’ icon.
Close the Prop Editor window by hitting the small ‘X’ in the lower right hand corner of the window.
Now left-click on your door, and check that you land in the proper, selected area.
If you do, then you have set up your door properly!
If not, please try repeating these steps, and if you still are having issues, send an email over to support@utherverse.com for further assistance.
Part 4: Door Trading
One of the most important parts of a successful World, much like the internet in
its early stages, is traffic. A lot of the successful sites that built themselves
up did so on the foundation of link trading and traffic sharing.
In the VWW, you can do the exact same thing, through a feature called ‘Door Trade’.
Above, you’ve learned how to Prop Edit a door into your Property, but here, you
will learn how to use those doors to their full potential.
The Door Trade function will allow you to auction off a door in your World to another
World owner, Business owner, etc, who will bid to have that door go to a property
they own.
If your World has a high traffic volume, any door you place inside your world and
put up for auction will be more valuable than a World with less traffic, just as
ads or links on popular websites are more valuable than those on a smaller, less
visited sites.
Here are some instructions on how to place your Door up for auction, and start driving
traffic back and forth between yourself and other World owners:
a) Place a door in your chosen property, following
the same steps as the example above.
b) Then, on the Prop Editor window, choose the ‘Plugins’
tab, which is to the far right. On the drop-down list, choose ‘DTrade’.
c) Then, set the amounts for how much you would like
to auction the door for, and for how long you would like a successful bid to last.
d) Then hit the ‘Save and Release’ option on the Prop
Editor. Close the Prop Editor window, and you will see a small sign on the door
that says ‘To License This Door Click Here’.
Anyone who clicks on this link will be brought to a webpage where they can place
a bid on the door.
If someone places a bid on one of your doors, you will be notified with a message
to your Profile, alerting which property, and which door has received a bid, so
you can review the bids and select the one you want that door to link to.
Any bids on your door can be viewed by selecting ‘Doors’ from the ‘More’ tab within
the ‘Manage Property’ section of your Profile.