Business License assigns a member “UV Business” badge that can be displayed above their username in world

Holders of a Business License have access to the extended Property Catalog with more than 30 exclusive regions

Some doors in world require special roles or licenses requirements to be met prior to placing an offer; i.e. Business License.

Your licensed doors can be managed through the Social Center profile. Choose Property>Doors>Licensed Doors

Doors in world are of 5 different types depending the type, bids and offers are handled differently.

Social Center Door Manager allows you to change your door texture quickly and easily without a need to prop edit in world.

Doors available for licensing in world have specific signs; To view information about the door or license it, simply click on a sign and follow the instructions.

Placing an Offer or a Bid


As you travel around in world you will see signs placed for licensing on the doors. Signs may differ from one another according to their specific Door Type.

Before placing offers or bids please note:

1. Clicking on a configured door and confirming the order means YOU are paying for it - no refunds will be given, no exceptions, serious bidders only!

2. If doors are not maintained or rent is not paid on time, your door will be released back to the public.

3. Please make sure to familiarize yourself with all the available Door Types as well as read and agree to Door Licensing Rules before placing an offer.


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