Business License assigns a member “UV Business” badge that can be displayed above their username in world

Holders of a Business License have access to the extended Property Catalog with more than 30 exclusive regions

Some doors in world require special roles or licenses requirements to be met prior to placing an offer; i.e. Business License.

Your licensed doors can be managed through the Social Center profile. Choose Property>Doors>Licensed Doors

Doors in world are of 5 different types depending the type, bids and offers are handled differently.

Social Center Door Manager allows you to change your door texture quickly and easily without a need to prop edit in world.

Doors available for licensing in world have specific signs; To view information about the door or license it, simply click on a sign and follow the instructions.

Door Types


Doors available for business licensing in world may be configured in a few different ways:

1. Instant Licensing
This is an automatic form of licensing. When a member clicks on the door and has enough funds to cover the costs associated with that particular door, the funds will then be taken out of the account. The member will be automatically linked with the door.

Doors of this type can be found in highly populated Utherverse venues like the Zaby Lobby.

2. Licensing with Moderation
When members click on the door, the system will check to ensure that sufficient funds are allocated in the account then allows them to place an offer that can be either accepted or rejected.

This configuration type is used for doors in most Utherverse areas such as the Alley and Gay Alley.

3. Auction
Each door regulated under Auction has a minimum price, and auction time that it is associated with.  Upon placing a bid and until the end of the auction, member funds will be placed into a lockbox to ensure payment in the event of winning an auction.
At the end of the auction the highest bid will win the door.  The system will then charge the winner the end fee and will release all other funds to those bidders who did not win. This will be confirmed with a message via Social Center messaging system.

Due to high demand all high traffic areas such as RLC Street will be set up with auction doors to give everyone an equal change of acquiring a door in that location.

4. Reverse Auction
This is a door with a start price that decreases over time; when the price drops to an amount that is suitable to bid on by members, they will then be able to click on a door to which it will be automatically linked if they have the required amount of funds.

5. Silent Auction
Members can place bids on a door without being able to see what others have bid. At the end of the auction the best offer is accepted.

Market Place Definitions

Escrowed: This means that funds have been frozen in a user’s account until the bid has been accepted or denied; if the bid is rejected funds are released back into the account. If the bid is accepted the funds will be applied towards the first license fee payment.

Bid is placed:
37 0000000 0/0/2012 10:19 PM User123 1,875.00 Bank Door Auction Rays escrowed for bid on door <Door name here>

Bid is accepted:
32 0000000 6/28/2012 11:27 PM User123 UVBizLicensees 1,875.00 Escrow Door Auction Door <Door name here> licensed

Bid is rejected:
38 0000000 6/28/2012 7:20 User123  1,875.00 Escrow Door Auction Rays returned for door <Door name here>

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